木炭厂, 废物回收厂和热解厂供应商



The materials suitable for a continuous carbonization production line include:
木头: 此类别包括树干, 木片, 锯末, 和木材废料.
简而言之: 果壳就像椰子壳, hazelnut shells, walnut shells, ETC.
Agricultural Residues: These are primarily agricultural residues such as rice straw, wheat straw, and corn straw.
Waste Paper Pulp Residue: Waste materials like pulp residue can also be converted into activated carbon.

The typical steps in a continuous carbonization production line include:
Raw Material Preparation: Raw materials are first processed to remove impurities, and they may be crushed to prepare for entry into the carbonization furnace.
碳化: Raw materials undergo carbonization within a continuous carbonization furnace. This step typically occurs under high temperature and low oxygen conditions to transform the raw materials into carbon.
冷却及收集: 碳化后, the produced carbon material needs to be cooled. In a continuous production line, cyclone coolers or other cooling equipment are often used to reduce the temperature. Following cooling, the carbon material is collected and packaged.
Environmental Management: During the carbonization process, it’s essential to manage the treatment of waste gases and residues to minimize the environmental impact.
These steps are crucial in the production of activated carbon and other carbon-based materials in a continuous carbonization production line, welcome to contact us for more details.

